General Manager/ Organizer

Dewey Davenport
Mr Goodfolk
General manager
Chief Pilot
PA Announcer
Dewey Davenport is the brain child of the Barnstorming Carnival. He is a real barnstormer that resides in Xenia, Ohio. Owner and operator of one of the most popular biplane ride businesses East of the Mississippi (Self Proclaimed), Goodfolk & O'Tymes Biplane Rides. Flying for over 23 years and being involved in many aspects of aviation and helping with the community by sharing his love and passion for aviation for many years. The Barnstorming Carnival which is now on it's fourth year, continues to grow each and every year. It is successful because of hard work, Friends, family, and the small handful of corporate and individual sponsors.
The City of Springfield has also been a big part in making the event so successful. Each year, Dewey has built upon the traditional barnstorming ways. You can not find a event that brings the public and the aviation community together such as this event.